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Dingwall & District Beekeepers Association

Market Place

The Association does not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the descriptions of products shown below.

November 2024

Association t-shirts. Jo Young has a couple of size M, male t-shirts in stock. The t-shirts are £13 each and Jo is happy to organise another order for us in any size. The polo shirts are 50/50 poly cotton, the brand is ORN and royal blue in colour from  McGregor Industrial Supplies and it is possible to order hoodies too. Female style and male style are available in all sizes. Contact Jo on

More items available from Ken MacKenzie.

For your winter feeding requirements he has 2 x "Ambrosia" feeders available. The capacity of each bucket (complete with perforated holes in the lids for dispensing) is 15 litres. With the bucket comes the brood covering-board and enclosing "eke".

Ken has made modifications to his varroa floors for use with W.B.C. hives. It replaces the traditional floor and is compatible with the rest of the W.B.C. lifts and brood box. Contact Ken for further details.

Prices on application to Ken on...01349 861504.

National Brood boxes for sale. November 24

2 No. Western Red Cedar new national brood boxes with metal frame runners. 

Front and back lug ends are double walled as shown in photo. 

£30 each. Contact Alastair Rose 01349 877435




Open Mesh Floors for sale (Nov 24)

Available in Langstroth, National or Smith sizes supplied with a monitoring tray.

Further details can be had from Ken MacKenzie on
tel. 01349 861504 

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An A5 sized booklet produced for what was thought to be the 60th Anniversary of the Group (in 2006) consisting of extracts from the Minute Book, list of Office Bearers, Disease and Season Reports.
Also contains pen pictures of past Advisors, Margaret Logan and Bernhard Mobus.
Now no longer available in print but a copy can be downloaded here
