Joining the Association
After having read about the Association we would be delighted for you to join us. We offer educational meetings, apiary visits, beginners meetings and the opportunity to pair up with a more experienced beekeeper in our Bee Buddies Scheme. We have a library of books and DVDs as well as several pieces of shared equipment.
Adult membership £15
Family membership £20
When joining for the first time an Application Form can be down-loaded from here. Your details will be only used for D&DBKA information purposes. Existing members should update Sam with any changes of contact details.
Online payment can also be made, please click on the Hives at the bottom of this page.
Our Privacy Statement regarding your membership details can be found here.
Our Constitution can be viewed here. Amended April 2023.
Our preferred method of payment is by Standing Order/online payment so please use these details;
Bank of Scotland, Dingwall Branch, Sort Code 80-06-35, Account number 00259608, and the name of the account is "Dingwall & District Beekeepers' Association".
Once the document has been completed it can be emailed or sent, to the Treasurer/Membership Secretary, Sam Smith. Sam can be contacted by email. or at 5 Ruilick, Beauly, IV4 7AB.
This membership does not include any membership of the Scottish Beekeepers Association (SBA) which has to be taken out individually with the SBA. Joining the SBA has advantages for new beekeepers but is not essential. Full membership of the SBA is £40 It is only by being a SBA member that you can get insurance cover on losses of colonies and even then it is restricted to fire, theft, vandalism and the two foulbrood diseases.